Instructions and Examinations

Instructions and Examinations is based upon OnLine/ Open Leaning System

Method of Instructions and examinations

The Method of Instructions and Examinations is based upon Online/ Open Leaming System

Term-end examination will be held as per scheme notified from time to time. Examination schedule is intimated in the admission letter, so as to enable the students to plan accordingly for the examinations. Students can exercise the option to clear the papers in piece-meal whenever examination is held/requested. Being flexible examination system student is to re-appear for examination in such subjects only in which he/she has failed. Study Material based periodical Assignments and Assignments for Term End Examination are sent to students through Online Portal/ post/ courier. Students are not required to attend the Institute at Navi Mumbai.

There are three modes of examinations. Students are required to opt for any one.

Online Examination

Online Examination of all the courses will be held Online using web based Examination System. Students will be intimated a timeslot for examination via email/ student portal.

Center Examination

Examination of all the courses is normally held at Navi Mumbai Center. Examinations are also held at the authorized ISPS examination centers throughout India, subject to the availability of sufficient number of examines at the given place.

Assignment Based Postal Examination

Institute has provision for assignment based postal term-end examination also. Under this scheme, term-end assignments (For Term End Examination) are sent to the student (under confidential cover) as per term-end examination schedule given in the admission letter. These are to be completed/answered and the response-sheets returned to the Institute within 15 days of receipt.

Distance Learning Mode

ISPS offer, Distance learning Mode.

ISPS aimed at helping those personnel, belonging to their various strata of society, who are genuinely eager to enhance their Professional and managerial competence by utilizing their valuable time in result oriented and productive manner.

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